I love you, yes I swear I do. Friends? man and wife friends forever!
This one is just for teasing you, I know I am lazy with scrabble, but who paid money for the new big board ? Haaaa answer me

This one in Sharm Elsheikh, Koki was still inside ;-), it was Eid and I remember we had a nice 3 days with one small argument not fight, you never miss a chance babe!!

First summer time in Marsa Matrouh Together, we had a good time

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Don't forget that we passed the very  tough first  year of marriage and we are going to the fourth one.


Also I updated this site to be my present to Marwa in our third anniversary.


I am away from her and Habiba I  am in Qatar

I can't remember how you made me jump in the water in Jan. but it was fun. You said You Jump I Jump, but you didn't ;-(

Addicted to scrabble!  And you got everybody infected

She is always winning

First Family Photo together, I miss my women

My women "Marwa and Habiba" in Abu Dhabi, One took me a Husband, the other took me a Father.

This is marriage. I LOVE YOU..